Thursday, October 11, 2007

2 - on writing

Once I met an old Spanish man who told me something very wise that I cannot remember now.

Isn't that too short for a short story? Probably.

If it left such an intellectual or emotional impact, wouldn't I remember! Sad but true, people forget! Forget about the most important days, things, events and even people completely.

Now the reason why... (Please allow me to put all the blame on some imaginary concept)
It's because in a civilized society no one really needs great wisdom any more. Most influential advices comes from movie scenarists through popular characters and other surrounding noise. Now this is not an a-ha moment for sure. However the preceding sentence is the punch line. At least I think it should be. The strong criticism against the dynamics of societies seem to make no real effect on those dynamics. They seem to serve as a pressure relief alone. You, and yes I mean you, read these critics, feel better and that's all folks. Nothing changes. As soon as we return back to our 'ordinary' lives, motivations that are imposed on us remain the same.

Well, never mind. I will not say anything about the inconsistencies between the idealized model of human being and how that ideal changes as our collective motives create some other 'idealized model' itself.

Here is the very bad thing about a blog! Whatever you say, might be taken as common knowledge very soon. Is it good or bad? Arguable. However there are some personal strains as well. Someone who is very reserved like me should not keep a blog. It's exposure world-wide and uncontrollable. Terrible!! Even if there is no one in the world reading :))

Now I'd like to pause my number 2 and continue with 3 someday. I am learning how to count and wanna go a little bit faster...

Regards everyone..


Unknown said...

Aras! the first 2 lines with the "old Spanish man" were pure genious!And the whole reflection is great.I love your dry, meaning-full style. This is what I call "serious fun", since the content is pretty 'serious' and the package is totally 'fun'. And I hope you gonna post new stuff pretty soon. Reading your reflections is easy and fun. I think you should write (already done, uh?) short stories. Please...Communicate with people and share your insights.Contribute to the evolution of planet heart, man!

Aras said...

Thank you so much for your comment Marco!! Seems like you have a good analysis of how I write, which is always obscure to me. I am glad you liked it. I loved your "Contribute to the evolution of planet heart". I could only wish...