1982! The year that I was born. A human being. The common concept that we all share.
No differences, no religion, no race, no achievements, no social status, nothing that separates us.
No culture other than being.
Babies don't speak a language but manage to understand each other no matter what their language will be. But none will remain the same.
Once a professor, for who I wish peace in Heaven, found my writing as rhetoric but not critical. Unlike the one right now you are reading which lacks them altogether. He was right and made me think about how I write...
Humans think at the margins, said once an Economics professor... As the number of borders, yet to be explored decreases, there is an understanding revealed to a human. Yet you can always avoid learning.
And you can always choose to create your fake reality. Just you need to persuade yourself.
In high school once, I caught one of the girls that I liked most, looking at me as I passed by. What then? All the same story... Decisions and courage both require some kicks.
Demonstrating what I meant with chaotic order, without any intent but awareness of it, as today Andres made me tell him the principle; 'first you do, then you understand why'... We both agree that's true for the microseconds of football but I believe it governs the universe.
When I was preparing for the university entrance exam, in fact I wasn't. I was experiencing the situation and how it feels like to be in it. No matter what, one day, a math teacher asked a question that I answered in ten seconds. He looked at me wondering and confused, he knew only how easily I can lose track. The answer was correct with no methods behind.
And years after, Barlas wrote about the psychologically erratic problem of finding a method... Maybe I expressed my pearly bright ideas on it. Was there a method to find?
American way, the linear writing, I learned about it, even though Shelley had a hard time believing in the way I improved so fast. Always similar, people tend to think of on their own terms. Not just on everything, on you as well. Was I threatened for 'trying to fool them' then? Not just once.
Then I was taking pictures and this pose came to my attention. I thought about it as if it was a representation of ourselves and our existence in this planet.
That's all, learned in 25 years.
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