Friday, March 21, 2008

53 - Endeavor

Living shouldn't be arduous. This is my sentence for the use in a sentence game with the 'arduous'. If you are a close follower of this blog, you might have observed that I removed the latest post and now replacing it with this. Why? Because an auctor doesn't enjoy being too didactic and give the false impression that he has everything resolved in his life. Even the concern about that misinterpretation made me feel uneasy. Hence this is the substitute for the post entitled 'endeavor'.

There was a space shuttle launched almost two weeks ago. I am grateful that I had the chance to be there and live in that untellable moment. There were some in the audience who were used to the scene. A shuttle gets launched. Even I myself saw a launch before. But it wasn't like this one. I now realize that even the seemingly same experience might be so different depending on so many other factors that I cannot account for one by one. It was 2 a.m. in the morning and we were waiting for it without any clue about what we were waiting for. If I hadn't heard anything about it before, I could have sworn that it was a sunrise. Humans launching a small sun...

It's an amazing world that we live in. It's a sad truth. Sad because only a few can enjoy the freedom to be aware. The rest (including myself time to time) has to dwell in things that doesn't bring any good. Concepts bringing every step forward to the mankind, such as imagination, love and courage are in fact underrated if not ridiculed vastly. Whereas being rich, making money (is time really money?) trying to live the most entertaining life, doing crazy things, having unbelievable sex lives and so on catches your eye in an instant. Work hard and (earn to) party hard. Isn't this stereotypical motto familiar? I know a lot of people who prefer a life like this to whatever they have.

Do you still remember the line where I was talking about imagination? If yes, bravo to you. Even I had to look back... The truth is it's an amazing world that we live in. We all have the potential, the chance to put together all the endeavor that we can find in ourselves to create an amazing world. Sad that it's arduous where all you have is impulses. In the end there is a world full of people who aspire a silly motto like work hard, party hard. Even worse you can replace the 'party hard' part of the motto with 'secure your living'... Statistics, unfortunately is not just numbers. 2.6 BILLION people is living on less than $2 a day, $60 a month, $720 a year when 1 BILLION of THEM relies on half of that amount. What kind of an inheritance is this that is passed on to us. No wonder why some of us have to party hard!

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