You know them! At some point of your life you came across one of them and probably that was more than quite often. In most cases, you don't call them Lucy, even though it's the same behavior pattern from the comics strip, Peanuts.
Let's have a quick summary about the pattern. She calls Charlie to kick the football. Mr. Brown who knows that Lucy enjoys herself as he falls on his back, still keeps faith in her for some odd reason... And the result? Clearly displayed in the picture above...
Unfortunately what this cynical little cartoon character demonstrates is a commonality from the real life. Since everything is much more complicated in 3-D, it gets harder to make the right decisions. And yes.. it always comes to the point that you find yourself in a situation to make that decision on whether to give a third chance. Basically, are you going to run for the football when she calls? :) Lately I have heard the stories of these people more from my friends... So my only suggestion is as follows: Don't get frustrated, you ain't no Charlie Brown.

The last thing she says is just like a stupid "beware of the dog" warning.
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