The famous novel by Charles Dickens depicts how expectations change the lives of people. And the rest... I have no idea. I am to presumptively ask your understanding for my ignorance,
cause I never read it. Even though I made it so clear to myself through a promise in the 2nd year of college. Well let's see... That was back in 2001 or 2002. Cool it's been not more than 6-7 years...
But I assure you, I viewed the movie... So there is enough that I know, that I can justify my speaking abruptly not to offense the devoted Dickens readers.
Expectations cause irreversible changes in our lives. Not directly but through forming our assumptions about future. And what we think about our futures changes our today. Financial people buying futures and options should know what I am talking about best. Dickens readers comes second...
After so much (or so little) of hassling literature lovers, let's go back to our one and awesome blog...
How would it feel to be in a state that of no expectations whatsoever. Would it be a freedom? A freedom for poor maybe. Isn't being poor somehow related to expectations and self perception. I am not saying being poor is a state of mind. But doesn't poverty pull off something? Unfortunately, I do think it does. It rips off more... Dangerous it is, yes indeed.
If the mind expects and cannot make the individual to act on it, that's defeat. If the individual acts and still expectations are not achieved, that's loss. If there is no action available, that's disaster.
I haven't read the book and yet ignorance is not always bliss.
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